Work Shop #1: For Those Who Are Not Sure What to Believe


In keeping with this open-minded approach of the Simple Path I have developed 3 versions of Work Shop #1. This version is for those who are not sure what to believe about whether God exists.

You can go return to the Introduction to Work Shop #1 to select one of the other versions should another choice be better suited to your beliefs..

Please write out your answers in the spaces below and send them to me. I would be glad to provide insights and suggestions about how to adapt the meditation practices of the Simple Path to your search.

pdf_versionIf you prefer, you can download a PDF of these questions and type or write the answers out in hard copy

Workshop Questions

    1) Were you raised in a God centered faith tradition during childhood? If so what faith tradition was that?

    2) Have you more or less left that faith tradition or are you still attending from time to time at the peak holidays but just sort of going through the motions?

    3) Or, did you grow up in a household where there was very little talk about religion or God one way or the other? Was one or both of your parents atheists?

    4) Have you converted to another religion other than the one you were raised in?

    5) If so do you have significant unanswered questions with regard to the new faith you have chosen?

    6) What reasons do you have for believing in a general way that God may exist?

    7) What reasons cause you to believe that maybe all talk of God is a fantasy left over from more primitive times?

    8) If it turns out that God does exist what three questions would you ask God if you had a chance to speak directly to God in something resembling a typical human conversation?

    9) What do you think is the preferred outcome of your search? Would you prefer to find out that that God does exist, or would you prefer to find out after all that there really is no God?

    10) What experiences with either Christian or Non-Christian meditation have you had?

    11) What, if anything, worked well for you in those experiences or those talks on meditation?br />

    12) If you feel you may come to follow a specific religious tradition, do you think you would prefer to find way to believe as the Christians, Jews or Muslims do? Or, do you think you may be more attracted to Easter Religions or New Age beliefs?

    13) Do you feel it would be more honest for you to explore what it would mean to fully embrace atheism as your core belief rather than sort of sit on the fence not making a decision one way or the other?

    14) Or does it make more sense for you to explore more carefully the possibility that you could find a way to freely and naturally commit to a life centered in belief in a God?

    Contact Info

    Your Name (Please list your first name only if you prefer)

    Your Email

    Your Country


    Type the text in the image from above here to proceed

    When you complete your answers please send them to me or call. I will be glad to give you helpful and supportive insights as to how you can adapt the Simple Path to your chosen beliefs.

    Please feel free to email or call with any questions.   978-368-3294

    Or if you downloaded the PDF of these questions and typed or write out your answers in hard copy you can them to me in hard copy to me for feedback.

    Please mail to: Will Raymond  PO 1725 Clinton MA 01510.

    I just suggest that you save a copy for your records.


    Will Raymond

    ©All Material in this Work Shop # 1 “For Those Who Are Not Sure What to Believe” including the title is Copyright to Raymond Business Services LLC Will Raymond PO 1725 Clinton MA 01510