Work Shop #1: For Those Who Believe in God


In keeping with this open-minded approach of the Simple Path I have developed 3 versions of Work Shop #1. This version is for those who believe in God.

You can go return to the Introduction to Work Shop #1 to select one of the other versions should another choice be better suited to your beliefs.

Please write out your answers in the spaces below and send them to me. I would be glad to provide insights and suggestions about how the meditation practices of the Simple Path can help you to deepen your faith in your chosen path.

pdf_versionIf you prefer, you can download a PDF of these questions and type or write the answers out in hard copy

Workshop Questions

    1) If you believe God exists, how do you describe God’s nature and life? Examples: I believe God is Love. Or, I believe God is Spirit.

    2) How do you describe the relationship of God to your personal life? Do you feel God is love and that God cares for you personally?

    3) Or, do you believe that God, or something like God, exists but that God is somehow indifferent to the fate of what happens to you and to other individual creatures?

    4) If you believe God is love, how do you answer the question, “How could a loving God allow so much suffering and injustice in the world?

    5) Are you truly satisfied with your answers to the question #4 or do you feel somehow that other answers would be helpful?

    6) Were you raised in a particular faith tradition during childhood?

    7) If so are you still involved with that church or have you chosen a different path, or are you still searching for the right church or center for you?

    8) Do you feel you are making a good commitment to your church or your search for a church to belong to, or do you feel better efforts on your part are needed?

    9) Or are you not at all sure that your involvement with parish life is something you wish to continue.

    10) Or, do you tend to avoid organized religions and describe yourself as “spiritual not religious”?

    11) What three questions would you ask God if you had a chance to speak directly to God in something resembling a typical human conversation?

    12) Do you picture God as God the Father, or Jesus, or Allah, or Krishna, or the Divine Mother, or the Virgin Mary? Do you favor some ancient Pagan image of God, or some New Age vision of the divine? How you answer this question will help you and your teachers to determine what nature of meditation or devotional practice is best for you.

    Contact Info

    Your Name (Please list your first name only if you prefer)

    Your Email

    Your Country


    Type the text in the image from above here to proceed

    When you complete your answers please send them to me or call. I will be glad to give you helpful and supportive insights as to how you can adapt the Simple Path to your chosen beliefs.

    Please feel free to email or call with any questions.  978-368-3294

    Or if you downloaded the PDF of these questions and typed or write out your answers in hard copy you can them to me in hard copy to me for feedback.

    Please mail to: Will Raymond  PO 1725 Clinton MA 01510.

    I just suggest that you save a copy for your records.


    Will Raymond

    ©All Material in this Work Shop # 1 “For Those Who Believe in God” including the title is Copyright to Raymond Business Services LLC Will Raymond PO 1725 Clinton MA 01510